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Vaccine realities

Dear Editor,
Your editorial in the October 7th issue is myopic in claiming that the unvaccinated “now are the last obstacle standing in the way of finally ending this pandemic.”
The scientific evidence shows that a mucosal virus as SARS-CoV-2 is best targeted vaccinologically via intranasal immunization since it induces high levels of neutralizing antibodies.
The pandemic is still spreading since the oro-nasal route of transmission is not blocked by the current intramuscular (IM) route of inoculation of Pfizer, Moderna, and J & J vaccines.
However, intranasal immunization studies show robust systemic and mucosal immunity, thus curtailing and possibly eradicating pandemic spread. Recent Israeli studies show the waning effects of the Pfizer format after two months of the second shot, with efficacy down to 20 percent six months later.
With mucosal immunity, masks would be obsolete. An IM booster treadmill is perpetuating spread and facilitating the proliferation of new viral variants due to natural selection of immune pressure.
Several models, such as an Oral Polio-vectored SAR-CoV-2, would be promising to curtail the spread. The right idea in the wrong hands is the wrong idea.
Joseph N. Manago

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